In the game Like a Dragon Gaiden, locating Okonomiyaki can be a delightful experience. This traditional Japanese savory pancake, a beloved street food in Japan, can be discovered at the Hiratai food stand nestled within Sotenbori, precisely situated along...
Like a Dragon Gaiden, the latest installment in the Like a Dragon (Yakuza) franchise, introduces a new set of challenges known as 1-Shot Challenges. These challenges put your skills to the test, requiring you to complete specific objectives within...
In the complex and perilous world of "Baldur's Gate 3," choices abound, each carrying consequences that can shape the course of your adventure. One such pivotal moment occurs in Githyanki crèche, where you need to make a decision that...
You should definitely let Volo finish the surgery. It can be disturbing to watch and seem like a bad idea, but as a result, you get a new eye that looks the same as the previous one but has...
Duelling Feats: Slice a dangling Dugbog challenge
Find a Dugbog. You can find them in the swampy regions in the North Ford Bog and South Sea Bog regions.
When Dugbog sticks out his tongue, use Levioso.
Once you cast Levioso, it will...
Mythic Tales: The Spirit of Yarikawa's Vengeance
What is this rumour about Lord Yarikawa's final curse? If the musician is telling the tale, there may be something to it. I'll talk to him.
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Mythic Tales: The Curse of Uchitsune
The musician in Hiyoshi is reciting the myth of Uchitsune's longbow. I should hear this tale.
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Mythic Tales: The Legend of Tadayori
I hear there's a musician in Azamo. He's giving people hope by reciting the tale of Tadayori and his mythic armour.
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Mythic Tales: The Heavenly Strike
I found a musician surrounded by bodies - the victims of a warrior seeking to learn Shigenori's Heavenly Strike, a katana technique that would be disastrous in the wrong hands… if it even exists.
I need...
Fortnite players can kill now TNTina and grab her Boom Bow. If you've not seen her yet, that’s probably because you haven’t been to The Rig.
So where is TNTina and how to kill her?
When you jump off the Battle...